The apprentice officers’ first sea training gives them an opportunity to be full-fledged crew members and to validate their career choice. Without our industry partners, our students would not be able to acquire the experience at sea required by the Regulations.

Partners in Success

The IMQ counts on the collaboration of many Canadian and international shipping companies for its students’ sea training.

By taking apprentice officers on board their ships, these companies:

  • help offer specific training to the new generation of mariners within their company;
  • begin a staffing process by training new candidates in their company’s procedures and policies;
  • maintain a long tradition of passing on marine-related knowledge;
  • enable students to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired in the classroom.

Affiliation Agreement (contract)

When a company agrees to take IMQ apprentice officers on board, it becomes a training partner and an affiliation agreement, stipulating the conditions agreed to, is signed by both parties.

This agreement contains the roles and responsibilities of the company, the officers on board its ships and the IMQ. The contract is valid until one of the parties decides to terminate it.